Thursday 6 December 2012

Final Artwork child abuse and labour

Child Abuse
Child abuse goes beyond bruises and broken bones.  Not all child abuse is as obvious as it seems and can come under many forms such as : 
Physical child abuse
includes biting, shaking, hitting, beating or burning the children
      Emotional child abuse 
     using harsh words on a child, blaming or putting down the child, yelling excessively and shaming the child             
     Sexual Child abuse
     forcing the child into sexual activity, sexual stimulation exposure inappropriate for the child’s age and committing incest
            Neglect as a form of child abuse
    failing to provide for the child’s basic and emotional 
                                                   Child Abuse and Neglect (2012) @

The most common type of maltreatment
 More than 75 percent (78.3%) suffered neglect;
 More than 15 percent (17.8%) suffered physical abuse;
 Less than 10 percent (9.5%) suffered sexual abuse; and
 Less than 10 percent (7.6%) suffered from psychological maltreatment.
                                                                                       Child Maltreatment,  2009

Warning signs of emotionally abused children
§  Excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong.
§  Shows extremes in behavior (extremely compliant or extremely demanding; extremely passive or extremely aggressive).
§  Not attached to the parent or caregiver.
§  Acts either inappropriately like adults (taking care of other children) or inappropriately infantile (rocking, thumb-sucking, throwing tantrums).

Warning signs of physical abuse in children
§  Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts.
§  Is always watchful and “on alert,” as if waiting for something bad to happen.
§  Injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from a hand or belt.
§  Shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home.
§  Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries (long-sleeved shirts on hot days).

Warning signs of neglect in children

§  Clothes are ill-fitting, filthy, or inappropriate for the weather.
§  Hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odor).
§  Untreated illnesses and physical injuries.
§  Is frequently unsupervised or left alone or allowed to play in unsafe situations and environments.
§  Is frequently late or missing from school.

Warning signs of sexual abuse in children
§  Trouble walking or sitting.
§  Displays knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his or her age, or even seductive behavior.
§  Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific person, without an obvious reason.
§  Doesn’t want to change clothes in front of others or participate in physical activities.
§  An STD or pregnancy, especially under the age of 14.
§  Runs away from home.

Child Labour

Source :International Labour Organization (
Helping parents at home, working part time after school hours during adolesscents years and assissting in the family business isn't under the category of child labour as it benefits the child for his or her development.
Child labour can be considered when work is :

·         is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children; and
·         interferes with their schooling schedule
·         depriving them of the opportunity to attend school;
·         obliging them to leave school prematurely
·         attempting to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.

More extreme cases of chold abse happening around,
a) enslaving the child
b) separating them from families
c) hazardous exposure
d) abandoned and left to fend for themselves

There are also many forms and ways that children are abused:
  • the many forms of slavery like trafficking and bonding the child to their debt
  • engaging the child in ponographic activity and prostitution
  • being used as drug mules to carry drugs around 
  • hazardous activity and surroundings that is likely to harm the child healthwise, morals and thier safety

This Year's art project was themed "Child Abuse and Lobour". These are the sketches and the final artwork.

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

sketch 3

sketch 4

sketch 5

Sketch number 3 was chosen and this is the final art piece. The Abstract art movement and Dada art movement were used in the creation of this art pieces.

Samantha Keo, 2012

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Surrealism : Representation of the Mind Artwork

Last week we were given a task - to complete a surrealism piece of art, a representation of the mind.
These are the few steps and the final art piece at the end.

The sky background was chosen from an online source.

The wood texture was chosen and dragged to show depth in the picture.

A small part of the top of the head was removed to insert pictures/ objects in the later parts.
The head of the girl was taken from a given website and the Lasso Tool was used to removed the desired part of the head.

The "empty part" was clone stamped and coloured to make it look realistic.

The grandfather clock was also taken from the given website. It was removed from the original picture using several tools, re-sized and rotated.

The boat was also taken from another website. All the steps were repeated using the steps of the grandfather clock.

The box / suitcase was added all using the same website and steps as the former 2 objects.

The book's insertion steps are a repetition of all the 3 objects above.

Next, the 2 gauges were added. The pictures were taken also from the given website and re-sized  Dark circles were added below the eyes as shadow. 
Lighting, contrast, and all the other effects were added and adjusted to the picture to gain the desired artwork.

Last but not least, the completed art work.
Surrealism art, A Representation of The Mind.
Samantha, 2012.

Monday 5 November 2012

Burst Away!

Burst away in the land of ideas!
This is what we learnt during tutorials - to create a light burst effect with our own choice of words.

I chose "Idea Burst" as i feel designing helps and allows me to express myself together also with allowing me to expand my ideas and allowing them to grow and of course burst!

I chose a guitar also because it symbolizes that ideas can generate best from music as everyone's life is represented by lyrics and symphony of their own lives. Thus, different people create different melodies and together a song is written and ides are formed.

Friday 2 November 2012

National Art Gallery : A Journey into the Unknown

The Intro to Design class made a visit to the National Art Gallery last Tuesday.
Personally for me, it was a journey into the unknown world of art where paintings really do look and come alive, 3D models aren't really just pots and scrap metals and it felt like I was journeying through time, at least through my eyes.

There among hundreds of art pieces, I found 10 that took my breath away. Just with a glance it caught my attention to go closer and study it. These are the 10 and the story I see they tell.

1. "Menanam Padi" by Hamidah Suhaimi
Women planting paddy in a row. No men were in sight. Depicts the hard work woman endured back in those days. The vastly stretched paddy fields showed how much women had to do and what they depended on for an income.

2. A drawing by Mat Dollah
A drawing with only the many shades of green. Although only green, every detail was painted with precision and detail.

3. A painting by Yuan Chia
Pure rocks, yet despite all a small shoot of greenery sprouts signifying life. Hope.

4. "Emergency III" by Hoe Say Yong
A peaceful crystal blue painting supposedly signifying peace and serenity and yet it opposites its title.

5. "Perseverance Over Time" by Lau Kim Tho
It gives a Gothic feel. Curiosity creeps in when you are wondering what lies beyond that road and this dark town.

6. "Once A Time In A Far Away Land of Mexico There Were The Rich and The Poor" by Zakaria Ali
The rich were proud and looked down on the lowly. Even the poor are forgotten eaten by the dogs while the rich grow fat and ignorant. This casts a sense of nothingness to the poor.

7. "Hijau Mata Hitamku" by M. Amunuddin Osman
The entire portrait captures my attention towards the essence of old age, highlighting the wrinkles on the lady's face. Growing old gracefully in this modern era despite the presence of modern technology.

8. "Tower of Shame" by Ilham Fadly Mohd Shaimy   (My Favourite one of all)
This speaks out and out-stands the other 9 because I feel it being so real.
A tower so majestic fails to raise above all and falls into a dark hole under, leaving all those involved- the builders, architects, families stuck in the memories it carried, jobless and in a constant finding of a way out despite everything around. Building a home around this time that stands still. Others from outside (ground level) looks on casting shame and judgement upon them.

9. "Syaitan Bersepuluh" by Khairul Azuwan Ishak
The title itself suggests allowing others around you to manipulate you from being you. Letting one in leads to the next and so forth. Confusing you with all that is around, with all they want, with all they hate from who you really are and what you really want.

10. "Fatamorgana #5 flying lessons" by Fuad Osman
A mother holding her baby son's top by the teeth suggest that she is teaching him to learn to fly and stand on his own 2 feet. A mother can only so far as encourage you to fly. Finding your own wings and taking flight is up to your own effort.

Street art : Telling their story, Pasar Seni

Graffiti on a wall along the Klang River.
Art being expressed in the form of drawings and the bright colours used suggest that artist of this graffiti was a teenager. The words formed saying "Taste For  Beet" could probably suggest that the artist was getting in rhyme with his art at that time.

More graffiti art along the walls of the Klang River.
The many colours used, the creative wordings and drawings shows the imagination of the people especially teenagers living in that are.
Entitled "Wall of Fame" could suggest that these were the best among the whole streak of graffiti art that stretched for about 1-2 km long.

             This graffiti of the city life shows how one living in the Pasar Seni area sees the development of it.
Billboards, more street art, mini stores along the streets and even modern cars like the Mini Cooper in the graffiti depicts a story of how much the town has grown since.

Graffiti art being drawn also on the floor only comes to show that art graffiti aren't just art on walls but anywhere that has big enough a space for you to express yourself!

   Art on the other side of the wall (opposite) shows graffiti art more towards surrealism
- monkey pirates
- witch craft
- magic
- evil puppeteer

more graffiti art with a graffiti expressing the artist's  sense of pride of being a Malaysian, a country living independently for 57 years now and a touch of surrealism in the last picture.            A government building seen from across the river.
This building taken from this angle gives it a sense of being majestic, standing tall and powerful. This building also shows that there are some influence of the art nouveau movement in its architecture.

 Architecture of the bus terminal at Pasar Seni.    
         The 'fan' like roof depicts creativity, length and is different from a normal bus stop. 

   A simple angle shot of the railings along the walkway at the bus terminal.

 A beggar on the streets taking a rest under the shade while his coin box was left exposed for coin /change collection from passers by. One other side that the Pasar Seni area has besides creativity and development is also a pinch of poverty among the locals. 


The 1st picture shows elderly men waiting for their ride to arrive. Some of them even get so comfortable that they take naps while waiting for the time to pass.
The 2nd picture expresses the life of the public transport employees like bus drivers and taxi drivers catching short breaks in between trips to catch up on recent headlines and personal stories.

This is the story Pasar Seni told me.
They are artistic, creative, developed but not forgetting also the locals who would need some extra help to escape poverty in this unique part of town.