Friday 2 November 2012

National Art Gallery : A Journey into the Unknown

The Intro to Design class made a visit to the National Art Gallery last Tuesday.
Personally for me, it was a journey into the unknown world of art where paintings really do look and come alive, 3D models aren't really just pots and scrap metals and it felt like I was journeying through time, at least through my eyes.

There among hundreds of art pieces, I found 10 that took my breath away. Just with a glance it caught my attention to go closer and study it. These are the 10 and the story I see they tell.

1. "Menanam Padi" by Hamidah Suhaimi
Women planting paddy in a row. No men were in sight. Depicts the hard work woman endured back in those days. The vastly stretched paddy fields showed how much women had to do and what they depended on for an income.

2. A drawing by Mat Dollah
A drawing with only the many shades of green. Although only green, every detail was painted with precision and detail.

3. A painting by Yuan Chia
Pure rocks, yet despite all a small shoot of greenery sprouts signifying life. Hope.

4. "Emergency III" by Hoe Say Yong
A peaceful crystal blue painting supposedly signifying peace and serenity and yet it opposites its title.

5. "Perseverance Over Time" by Lau Kim Tho
It gives a Gothic feel. Curiosity creeps in when you are wondering what lies beyond that road and this dark town.

6. "Once A Time In A Far Away Land of Mexico There Were The Rich and The Poor" by Zakaria Ali
The rich were proud and looked down on the lowly. Even the poor are forgotten eaten by the dogs while the rich grow fat and ignorant. This casts a sense of nothingness to the poor.

7. "Hijau Mata Hitamku" by M. Amunuddin Osman
The entire portrait captures my attention towards the essence of old age, highlighting the wrinkles on the lady's face. Growing old gracefully in this modern era despite the presence of modern technology.

8. "Tower of Shame" by Ilham Fadly Mohd Shaimy   (My Favourite one of all)
This speaks out and out-stands the other 9 because I feel it being so real.
A tower so majestic fails to raise above all and falls into a dark hole under, leaving all those involved- the builders, architects, families stuck in the memories it carried, jobless and in a constant finding of a way out despite everything around. Building a home around this time that stands still. Others from outside (ground level) looks on casting shame and judgement upon them.

9. "Syaitan Bersepuluh" by Khairul Azuwan Ishak
The title itself suggests allowing others around you to manipulate you from being you. Letting one in leads to the next and so forth. Confusing you with all that is around, with all they want, with all they hate from who you really are and what you really want.

10. "Fatamorgana #5 flying lessons" by Fuad Osman
A mother holding her baby son's top by the teeth suggest that she is teaching him to learn to fly and stand on his own 2 feet. A mother can only so far as encourage you to fly. Finding your own wings and taking flight is up to your own effort.

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