Thursday 1 November 2012

Art Movements along the years

In a recent tutorial class we were introduced to some of the many art movements present up till today. It was really interesting as it showed me and widened my views on art and the many ways of expressing it. We were introduced to 14 art movements as listed below :)

1. Abstract Art
- form, colour and line make up this visual language creating a compositiona
- a non figurative, nonobjective and nonrepresentational
- an imaginary art that showed a distant view from reality
- associated with geometric abstraction and lyrical abstraction

         On White 2, 1923 by Wassily Kandinsky

2. Art Deco

- characteristics of art deco are that art pieces is lavished with ornaments, distinct geometric shapes and rich         
- has an influence on many public works and buildings like automobiles(cars), architecture, in railway stations or  
    even in amusement parks!
- created with many geometric forms like polygons, rectangles, zigzags and many other shapes

Master, Sarhe and Bhuta, with N.G. Parsare, 1936, New India Assurance Building, Mumbai, India.

3. Art Nouveau

- combination of architecture and applied art 
an important transition between the historicism of Neoclassicism and modernism
- illustrates a time transition between the 19th to the 20th century through art, thought and the   

 An advertisement for the Art Nouveau gallery "La Maison Moderne" by Manuel Orazi.

4. Baroque

-  dance, music, painting architecture, produced drama, tension and grandeur through artistic  

    styles that took into account exaggeration of motion and and clear detail
- encouraged by the Roman Catholic church
- to express triumph and power besides impressing those who visit
   found in places like court entrance, staircases in grand places and reception rooms

   Aeneas flees burning Troy, Federico Baroccii, 1598

5.  Bauhaus

- fine arts and crafts were combined by a school back in Germany to approach the design it taught  and  
- idea of creating a complete artwork including architecture be combined 
- a building was the ultimate claim of creative activity

    Bauhaus building in Chemnitz

6. Constructivism Art
 - a rejection of the idea autonomous art forms this art movement of architectural and artistic philosophy
- created for social purpose
- influenced Bauhaus and De Stijl art movements
- impacted interior designing, film, dance and many others
- used also as a propaganda plaques

File:Plakat mayakowski gross.jpg  Agitprop poster by Mayakovsk

7. Cubism
- revolutionized European painting and sculpture and inspired architecture, music and literature
- objects are broken up after being analyzed and reassembled in an abstract form and depicted in multiple  

Jean Metzinger, La Femme au Cheval, The Rider, Woman with a horse, 1911-1912,   
 Statens Museum for Kunst, National Gallery of Denmark. Exhibited at the 1912 Salon  
 des Indépendants, and published in Apollinaire's 1913 Les Peintres Cubistes
 Provenance: Jacques Nayral, Neils Bohr.

8. Dada

- formed out of the negative horrors of World War I (WWI)
- appreciated nonsense and intuition and rejected reason and logic
- da da brings meaning yes yes
- initially involved literature, visual arts , art theories and many others
- also was an anti war  besides having political affinities and with the radical left and being anti bougeois

Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in  
 Germany, 1919, collage of pasted papers, 90x144 cm, Nationalgalerie, Staatliche 
 Museen zu Berlin, Hannah Hoch.

9. Expressionism

- radically distorting images for effects of emotion to evoke certain moods or ideas to represent 
  the world from a subjective perspective solely
- rather than physical reality, it expresses meaning or emotional experience

  The Scream by Edvard Munch

10. Impressionism

 emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities
common, ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and   
  experience, and unusual visual angles.

  Paris Street, Rainy Day by Gustave Caillebotte

11. Futurism
- artistic and social movement
- contemporary concepts of the future together with glorified themes
expression in much of modern commercial cinema and culture

  Cyclist by Natalia Goncharova

12. Naive art (my personal favourite)
- technique and subject matter are childlike, simplicity
- erroneous geometry perspective
- no enfeeblement in the background, use of patterns are very strong and plans of the composition have unrefined   
- background which are shaded brings about equal accuracy brought to details

   Landscape, Anonymous

13. Renaissance
- increased reliance on observation in science and the development of conventions of diplomacy in politics
- Renaissance scholars employed the humanist method in study, and searched for realism and human emotion in 

  Portrait of Sir Thomas More

14.  Surrealism
- writings and visual art work
- developed out of DADA movement
- social theory, politics, music and languages, literature and film and visual arts were affected

  L'Ange du Foyer ou le Triomphe du Surréalisme (1937), Max Ernst

These are the 14 art movements and an image/ drawing each to elicit examples all together. Naive art is my favourite of all and followed by surrealism and abstract art.

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