Friday 2 November 2012

Street art : Telling their story, Pasar Seni

Graffiti on a wall along the Klang River.
Art being expressed in the form of drawings and the bright colours used suggest that artist of this graffiti was a teenager. The words formed saying "Taste For  Beet" could probably suggest that the artist was getting in rhyme with his art at that time.

More graffiti art along the walls of the Klang River.
The many colours used, the creative wordings and drawings shows the imagination of the people especially teenagers living in that are.
Entitled "Wall of Fame" could suggest that these were the best among the whole streak of graffiti art that stretched for about 1-2 km long.

             This graffiti of the city life shows how one living in the Pasar Seni area sees the development of it.
Billboards, more street art, mini stores along the streets and even modern cars like the Mini Cooper in the graffiti depicts a story of how much the town has grown since.

Graffiti art being drawn also on the floor only comes to show that art graffiti aren't just art on walls but anywhere that has big enough a space for you to express yourself!

   Art on the other side of the wall (opposite) shows graffiti art more towards surrealism
- monkey pirates
- witch craft
- magic
- evil puppeteer

more graffiti art with a graffiti expressing the artist's  sense of pride of being a Malaysian, a country living independently for 57 years now and a touch of surrealism in the last picture.            A government building seen from across the river.
This building taken from this angle gives it a sense of being majestic, standing tall and powerful. This building also shows that there are some influence of the art nouveau movement in its architecture.

 Architecture of the bus terminal at Pasar Seni.    
         The 'fan' like roof depicts creativity, length and is different from a normal bus stop. 

   A simple angle shot of the railings along the walkway at the bus terminal.

 A beggar on the streets taking a rest under the shade while his coin box was left exposed for coin /change collection from passers by. One other side that the Pasar Seni area has besides creativity and development is also a pinch of poverty among the locals. 


The 1st picture shows elderly men waiting for their ride to arrive. Some of them even get so comfortable that they take naps while waiting for the time to pass.
The 2nd picture expresses the life of the public transport employees like bus drivers and taxi drivers catching short breaks in between trips to catch up on recent headlines and personal stories.

This is the story Pasar Seni told me.
They are artistic, creative, developed but not forgetting also the locals who would need some extra help to escape poverty in this unique part of town.

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